Saturday, April 2, 2011

10 Creative Store Signage Options When Opening A Dollar Store

In today's retail marketplace it is critically important to take advantage of every advertising and promotional opportunity available. While some options cost a great deal of money, others require only a small upfront investment. Store signage is one of those options that require a little upfront investment. Yet much of your signage contributes to sales for months and years. Be sure to check about local rules and regulation associated with business signage before you start making your plans. In this article I present the first 5 of 10 store signage options when opening a dollar store. 1) Designated Sign Locations. Store signage locations are often noted in your lease or rental agreement. These can range from signage at all access entrances to signage in all building locator and map locations. Be sure you negotiate for as much exposure as possible prior to signing your lease and actually opening a dollar store. This type of exposure comes in contact with almost everyone who enters the parking area, or who looks at the building locator or maps when seeking out other businesses. There is potential for huge amounts of traffic at little cost to you. 2) Building Front and Sides. Key signage locations are the front, sides and rear of your store. While in some cases these may be called out as acceptable or unacceptable locations in you lease agreement, don't fail to work at obtaining permission to add signs if possible. These are prime locations to draw attention and shoppers to your business. 3) Store Interior Walls. When opening a dollar store, the interior walls of your store are perfect for creating a warm, inviting feeling. Usually this is accomplished by color choices and the designs chosen. However the interior of your store is also the perfect place to send your messages to shoppers. Standard signage such as information about pricing, or your appreciation of your shoppers are both appropriate. Don't forget to add signage noting sale items, special purchases, or upcoming holidays. 4) Windows and Front Walkways. Window and walkway signage serves two important purposes. First, you can capture the attention of passers-by and get them to take action and actually enter your store. Second, you can inform everyone about the products you generally carry, any special new arrivals, and events being held. Windows are perfect for listing items carried in the store. If you are fortunate enough to have windows running along the front of your store, use 4-inch to 6-inch tall lettering running close to the top to note the most popular items and product categories in your store. If allowed, sandwich board signs placed in-front of your store are also effective attention-getters. Banners and flags running the length of your store will certainly draw attention. If you cannot place signage directly in front of your store, look for other options to make customers and prospective customers aware of your existence. 5) Entry Doors and Aisle ways. Use your entry doors carefully. Be sure there is clear vision for those coming and going. This will avoid accidents. Doors are great for posting operating hours, whether the store is open or closed, and methods of payment. Entry aisle ways provide a great opportunity to add signage regarding specials and any upcoming changes or events. Take the time to plan how signs will be used when opening a dollar store. Be sure to establish a set color scheme and logo to be used on all signage. It's also worth the time to establish rules regarding the usage of certain sign sizes. You'll be happy with the results proper signage achieves for your store. To your dollar store business success! By: Bob Hamilton
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